An engineering company in containment systems for transport and storage of LNG
Its expertise, its commitment to innovation and its loyalty-based customer relationships have established GTT as a leading global stakeholder in the shipping of liquefied natural gas (LNG).
As a leading engineering company in containment systems for the shipping and storage in cryogenic conditions of LNG (liquefied natural gas), GTT offers engineering, consultancy, training, maintenance support and technical design services. Approved by leading classification societies, its technologies are underpinned by a substantial return of experience over many decades.
The GTT Innovation strategy is designed to respond to the operational efficiency and safety expectations of its customers in full compliance with developments in international maritime regulations and legislation. To fulfill those expectations, the company runs its own test laboratory and is actively involved in research via its partnerships with engineering companies, research institutes, laboratories and universities.
In order to meet the requirements of the industry, GTT is continually working on new LNG containment technologies, as well as on solutions for use with other liquefied gases. Thanks to the expertise of its engineering teams, the company continues to expand its offer with bespoke technologies and engineering solutions for the offshore industry, multi-gas carriers, and small and midsize carriers. GTT also offers new applications for the growing market for LNG as a propulsion fuel. As part of its commitment to working closely with customers to provide support and assistance, GTT is also constantly expanding its range of high-added-value services.
Its substantial portfolio of patents and continuous investment in research and development are what gives GTT its unique market position. They have enabled the company to build long-term trust-based partnerships with stakeholders all along the LNG chain, from the largest shipyards which have access to its technologies under licensing contracts, shipowners and terminal operators to classification societies and gas operators.