GTT NO96 technologies benefit from a strong posi­tion in the market. Evolving according to market requirements, a new NO96 system has been developed: NO96 Max. NO96 Max offers an optimized compromise be­tween low boil-off and system strength, for better thermomechanical efficiency

The concept

The Fe-36%Ni alloy primary membrane contains the LNG cargo, while the secondary mem­brane, identical to the primary, ensures a 100 % redundancy in case of leakage. Each of Fe-36%Ni alloy strakes is continuously spread along the tank walls and is evenly supported by the primary and the sec­ondary insulation layers.

NO96 MAX specificities

NO96 Max uses a pillar structure and a non-structural insulation to withstand the high pressures induced by certain sloshing conditions.

Thanks to a numerical validation of the design, the box reinforcement can be easily upgraded in order to sustain higher loads and provide increased flexibility to the market (offshore, ship-to-ship, heavier liquid gases).