GTT ranked 4th in the list of leading ETI patent filers at INPI


Paris – April 11th, 2019. GTT obtains the 4th position in the ranking of the main ETI[1] patent filers at INPI[2] for 2018 with 19 patent applications for the past year.

The INPI lists the top patent applicants by the number of patent applications published in 2018. The results were consolidated by group by identifying and regrouping their subsidiaries.

The top ten of patent filers at INPI in 2018 totalised 185 patent applications. These companies cover very broad sectors, ranging from automobile equipment, cosmetics, agriculture and electronics.

Philippe Berterottière, Chairman and CEO of GTT, declared: “We are particularly proud to be in the top ten of this INPI ranking highlighting GTT’s ability for technological innovation.”


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[1] Medium sized companies

[2] French National Institute of Industrial Property