Very large success of GTT’s first international employee shareholding plan


Paris – 15 May 2024. The GTT Group announces the strong success of its first international employee shareholding plan, recording a participation rate of 87%.

Launched on April 24th 2024 across seven[1] countries, the operation represents a capital increase of 40.041 shares, or 0,11% of the Group's capital. Upon completion, employees and managers will hold approximately 0,85% of the capital of GTT.

Philippe Berterottière, Chairman and CEO of GTT, stated: "We are proud of the great success of this first international employee shareholding plan, which demonstrates the commitment and confidence of our employees in GTT's corporate project. With a remarkable participation rate, our employees fully embraced this opportunity to become shareholders and stakeholders in the Group's future development."

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[1] The operation has been deployed in China, France, Germany, Iceland, Singapore, the UK and the USA.

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