This index allows companies (with more than 50 employees) to assess the level of equity between men and women out of 100 points, based on the following criteria: the gender pay gap, the difference in the rate of individual increases, the difference in the rate of promotions (only for companies with more than 250 employees), the number of employees increased following their maternity leave and the parity among the 10 highest salaries

GTT’s 2024 professional equality index is 81/100.



2023 Score


Indicator 1

Gender Pay gaps



Indicator 2

Increase rate differentials



Indicator 3

Promotions rate differentials



Indicator 4

Percentage of female employees who received a pay raise after returning from maternity leave



Indicator 5

Number of employees of the under-represented sex among the 10 highest earners








Prior to the calculation of the indicators

  • Scope of the analysis :GTT SA
  • Reference period considered: calendar year, from January 1st to December 31th, 2024
  • Number of employees considered for the calculation : 431

Indicator 1: Gender pay gap. Our score is 36/40

The differences mainly concern engineers and managers aged between 30 and 39.

Indicator 2: Increase rate differentials. Our score is de 10/20

Of the 419 employees considered for this indicator, 337 received an increase at the annual salary review, i.e. 78%.

82 employees did not receive an increase, of which 68 employees (23 of whom were women)were ineligible due to their seniority in relation to the 2024 salary policy.

Indicator 3: Promotions rate differentials. Our score is de 15/15

The analysis focuses on people who have moved to a higher internal classification level (jobclassification). Therefore they are:

  • Promotions to Manager status: concerned three men in 2024.
  • Promotions with a change in level and responsibility (job classification): 34 people were promoted, including 9 women.

Indicator 4: Percentage of employees who had a raise following their maternity leave return. Our score is 15/15

100% of employees returning from maternity leave received an increase

Indicator 5 : Top 10 highest salaries. Our score is 5/10

In 2024, 2 women are among the 10 highest earners.

As the index obtained in 2024 is lower than 85 points and higher than 75 points, the Company isrequired to set and publish improvement targets for each of the index indicators that did not obtainthe maximum score.